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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Evening at El Matador

So I've been neglecting the blog for a while but hopefully with the coming year I can stay more active on here. The reality is that between shooting, editing, and booking, it's tough to keep the blog up to date. Maybe this will be a good new years resolution...keep the blog updated! :-)

El Matador:
This evening I took a stroll to El Matador Beach. I happened to be driving by and noticed the clouds and sun behind the clouds might lead to one of those awesome colorful Malibu sunsets. It's been raining for days (what feels like weeks) in LA recently, so it's been tough to go out a photograph anything for that matter. But this evening was very calm. No wind, and I was really hoping for a rainbow. I didn't get the rainbow, nor did I get those awesome colors, but I did get a few shots that got my creative juices flowing again.

But there was a slight problem. I didn't have my lens of choice with me. I had the camera, Canon 5D Mark iii, but not my favorite landscape lens; the 16-35mm. In my bag, I always have a few filters. And in the bag tonight I only had my -4 ND filter. But it wasn't the right ring size for the 24-105 lens I had on the camera. So I still used the filter, but had to handhold it in front of the lens when I shot.

El Matador Beach is an iconic beach. It's frequented by so many photographers and there are so many photos of it, that I really am not that attracted to shooting there anymore. It's also one of those places that I never ever leave feeling I've captured a really good photograph. In the coming weeks I'm going to be coming back to El Matador until I get a shot worthy of feeling good about. I will of course share those images regardless of quality.

Here's a few images from today. All using 200ISO and long exposure times. -cg

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