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Sunday, April 7, 2013

No problem :Exploring California...

Yesterday I decided to head to the California Poppy Reserve near Lancaster. To my disappointment this year there are no poppies in bloom so all I got were brown hills. However, as is such with many photography projects, they never go as planned. No flowers, meant no colors, and I had to get the creative juices flowing to salvage the day. On top of that, the wind was blowing nearly 55miles per was interesting.

Me along with another photographer that joined me decided that we would just go explore the countryside to see what we could discover. What we found was an amazing opportunity  to photograph the countryside of California that not many people get to see (or know is there).

And discover we did. We found some pretty worn down places that I plan to use for photo shoots at some point in the future. Here's a few of the shots I captured while exploring...-cg

Ohh and I rarely get in from of the camera but this place had so much character that I had to take a few environmental portraits.

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