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Monday, April 16, 2012

Random Snaps 04-15-12...and a Rainbow.

So along with my educational blog posts I do want to start a "random" series to keep me motivated to photograph the beauty around me. So here is my first random snaps entry.

Gotta Practice!

I took a walk on the beach again to practice photographing birds in motion in preparation for my African Safari. So here's just a few randoms from today.

Oh...and speaking of random I'm including a quick snap of a rainbow I captured when I got home on Friday evening after an evening storm.

I really wish I could have been a more scenic location in Malibu for the rainbow, but I wanted to share it regardless. Maybe I will write a blog in the future on how to improve your rainbow photography! :-)-cg

Rainbow over Malibu on Friday 04-16-12.

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