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Thursday, October 18, 2012

Golden light at the Malibu Pier...

This evening, I realized I hadn't actually walked the beach near the Malibu Pier at sunset in a very very long time. So since I've not posted anything in a long time as well, it seemed like a good time to return to both respectively.

As always, the sunset was golden and the light was just magnificent. One thing struck my eye when I got there though. The extremely low tide and the abundance of rocks. I've been to the pier many times before but never actually out far enough to be parallel with it from an extremely low tide. 

For the images I captured this evening I used a Canon 5D Mark iii equipped with 70-200mm 2.8 Sigma lens and a 3 Stop Neutral Density filter. I also used a Canon 24-105mm F4 for the wider stuff.

Here's just a few images from the evening with a couple notes on each -cg

The image below really surprised me. I was trying to focus on the leading lines and the depth of field created by the 200mm at 2.8. With such a shallow depth of field the effect came out nicely. 

Now the image below was taken with the 70-200mm 2.8. Instead of shooting this one wide open, it was shot at F-18 with a 1.5 second exposure. The 1.5 second exposure allowed me to capture the motion in the water.

Black and White version....

The images below were all taken with the sun behind me at 1/10 at F-14 and 100 ISO.

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